Only four years after Sen. Inhofe (R-Okla) attempted to label Global Warming as a hoax the business world seems to have embraced environmental sustainability so thoroughly that 'green' has become the new 'black' in marketing. Intel, AMD, VMware, Microsoft and many others have developed green facets to their advertising. The motor manufacturers have become so enthusiastic in boasting environmental claims that their advertising is now being labeled as potentially misleading. While it could be assumed that the marketing gurus are more in touch with the public mood than the politicians, it wouldn't do to forget that many of the products being advertised in this manner were under development well before Sen. Inhofe's amazing gaff. That being the case, it may also be assumed that the features so enthusiastically touted as green aspects were designed with completely different motives in mind. Certainly, in computer manufacture, the new quad processors from Intel and AM